Translation & Dissemination

Translation and dissemination are essential pillars of research, allowing for scientific findings to move from laboratory benchsides to real-life applications and solutions in the community.

2024 Model Senate - Senate of Canada

Toby has been selected as a participant in the Model Senate, an initiative that provided him the opportunity to step into the role of a Canadian Senator. At this event, Toby brought his scientific training to engage in political debates on various topics and participated in committee meetings, gaining firsthand experience of the legislative process. This unique experience offered Toby valuable insights into the Senate’s role in Canadian democracy and helped him develop new skills. 

3MT Minute Competition 

    An annual competition for students to explain their research within three minutes using only a single static image.

   Sources: News Manitoba 

COVID-19: A Flashback of Unanswered Questions - Invited Speaker -Toby Le

COVID-19: A Flashback of Unanswered Questions 

An interactive talk with high school students exploring common misconceptions and knowledge gaps about the COVID-19 pandemic. Organized by Let’s Talk Science. 

Updates on COVID-19 Variants of Concern - Toby Le

Understanding COVID-19 Antigen Tests 

Author: Toby Le 

A brief description of how antigens can be used in the diagnosis and surveillance of infectious diseases 

Updates on COVID-19 Variants of Concern - Toby Le

Updates on COVID-19 Variants of Concern

Author: Toby Le

A continuously updated report presenting the most current variants of concern for SARS-COV-2 

Understanding RT-PCR Tests and Results - Toby Le

Understanding RT-PCR Tests and Results 

Authors: Toby Le, Aleksandra Wierzbowski 

A brief description of the Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test. It provides basic information on how this molecular biology test is used in laboratories to detect the genetic materials of a pathogen such as the SARS-CO-2 virus, the cause of COVID-19 disease 

The Effects of Climate Change on Vector-Borne Diseases in Canada - Toby Le

The Effects of Climate Change on Vector-Borne Diseases in Canada 

Authors: Toby Le, Cathy Le, Dr. Jason Kindrachuk, Susie Taylor, Margaret Haworth-Brockman 

An interactive overview of how climate change can affect the spread and transmission of vector-borne diseases in Canada 

Therapeutics for mpox - Toby Le

Therapeutics for mpox

Author: Toby Le

Report on available treatments and vaccine strategies against Monkeypox in Canada 

Manitoba COVID-19 Weekly Report - Assistant Editor 

Synthesized clinical and research evidence into timely reports for distribution to over 9,000 health professionals from across Canada, the US, South America, the Caribbean/West Indies, and Europe 

Sex Without Stigma - Toby Le

Sex Without Stigma - Co-Founder 

An initiative, funded by Sigma Xi, that focuses on normalizing discussions and asking questions about sex and reproductive health